‘He is not phased by challenge or complex scenarios, the fact that he never judges me, and calm persistence enables me to consider more closely, not only what I say and think of others, but how I interpret their understanding of me in a far more constructive manner.’
Senior Business Analyst, Investment Management
CG, Senior Partner Ashurst, 2009-2013
Conflict management and complex communication
Andy has over 25 years of experience in developing and leading high performing organisations, with a specific interest in constructively managing conflict, coaching leaders and teams in challenging circumstances, including complex communication needs, and individuals in senior leadership roles with Asperger’s.
Andy is a leadership coach and educator with a specific interest in constructively managing conflict, empowering top individuals and teams operating in challenging environments. Highly experienced and skilled in engendering social and emotional intelligence in the work place, Andy enables clients to increase creativity, adaptability, productivity and success as individuals within a corporate context. Andy achieves results through a combination of values, trust and deep acceptance of others; his warmth and approachability, together with robust challenge in holding others to account, creates a unique thinking environment for performance improvement and sustained change.
Andy works with two distinct groups within the legal, financial and education sectors:
- Individuals and teams who have communication challenges or who need to develop greater emotional and social intelligence, or individuals who need to effectively engage with stakeholders facing such challenges.
- High performing individuals who are already at the top of their game and who want a coach to support and challenge them in order to maintain their edge or take their performance to the next level.
Andy has led high performing and challenging schools in mainstream and specialist settings for over twenty-five years. He worked as a government appointed coach and consultant supporting positive change in under performing organisations at senior leadership level, and specialised in supporting challenging behaviours, communication and Aspergers, with a Masters Degree (M.Ed.) from University of Exeter. He has presented nationally on a wide range of leadership, and coaching topics.
Andy has worked extensively as a leadership coach in the corporate and education sectors, having a bespoke private practice. He is a Faculty member with Meyler Campbell, tutoring on the Business Coach and Elements programmes. MBTI qualified, Time to Think Coach / Facilitator, accredited School of Coaching and Strathclyde University. He has been a Certified Business Coach (CBC) with the World Association of Business Coaches (WABC), and a Founding member – Institute of Coaching Professional Association (ICPA).
Andy manages work in London with living on the coast in Cornwall, where he relaxes with club and sportive cycling; sailing and cliff top walks with family and animals.
Andy Barnett +44 (0) 7711524454 andy@andybarnettcoaching.com www.andybarnettcoaching.com